Friday, August 28, 2009

Lookie what a lovely memeber of brb_gallifrey drew for me, it makes my heart squee!!!

And I'm working on stuff for my etsy. It's been months since I got my new store GallifreyKeepsakes but I have yet to do anything with it. I've got a bunch of things to post and I'm working on more. Right now I'm playing with beads and making some stitchmarkers :D

Friday, August 14, 2009

Making our apartment home

So last month I moved into a new apartment. I'm in the same complex but I now have a balcony and some extra space, it's alot nicer and I'm gonna be living with my boyfriend. We were going to originally buy a couch until a family friend offered one for free. It's pretty worn but looks soooo much better since Matt cleaned it really well. I wanted to make some pillows to make it a little nicer and more personal.

The boy actually helped pick out these fabrics :)

These are fabrics are from my stash, the green is a really soft fleece. The long one doesn't look even but it is, I swear, my camera just likes to tell lies!
I also made a few coasters from some of my first attempts at crochet. I lightly felted them and then sewed on fabric leftover from the pillows!

Here's my bookshelf in the living room. I feel kinda bad it's all my books and stuff but truthfully I don't think Matt will care at all. If I had to show people one thing that described me it would prolly be this bookshelf.
Lastly I wanna show you what puts a smile on my face every morning, there's no way you can't smile while looking at this shower curtain:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Femmie!Five: The shoes

I thought I'd do a small post tonight. Tonight it's all about the shoes! Five wore a pretty basic white leather sneaker. But unless you're running around alot I find a skirt with sneakers super unflattering. A few months back I just happened to come across the perfect shoes ON SALE at Walmart! They're perfect in every way! They've got a slight heel, they've got that sneaker feel, and they've got five's trademark red binding around the edges. Truthfully? The make me squee like the little fangirl I am!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Femme!Five: An intro and the case of the celery

It's been a long time since I last posted anything but I really haven't had much to show. I'd been in a crafting funk for quite a while. It's okay though because I've moved into my new place and I'm working on a huge project. Well not huge but considering I plan to make the whole thing from scratch it's alot to undertake.

For months I've been wanting to cosplay the fifth doctor. He's MY doctor but also I love his crazy style. If you've never watched Doctor Who I suggest you go do that now....

He's played by Peter Davison who's an adorable cricket loving timelord. I also adore five with his companions Adric, Nyssa, and Tegan.

But anyways on to the crafting! I really wanted to cosplay five but I also wanted to put my own twist on it. Some DW cosplayers do femanized version of their favorite male characters, this is something I just love! So I began planning my own femme!Five. Now it's been done before so it had to be something diffrent, not just five in a skirt with long hair. I began sketching months ago until I finally decided on skirt, sweater vest, puffy cap sleeve shirt, and celery in my hair instead of on the jacket. The plan is that this than go three ways: a super cutesey five without the coat, thus showing off the puffy sleeves, sexy five sans sweater showing off the suspenders, and a more typical five with jacket over everything. I'm going to a TARDIS (a Doctor Who convention in Lombard) in November for the whole weekend so I needed some options.

If you've never watched DW the fifth doctor wears celery on his lapel. No one really knows why, he's had a few excuses but personally I think he just thought it'd look good. I wasn't about to wear real celery in my hair cause ew! I knit this celery after trying out a pattern on livejournal and adapting it to my own (hopefully) more realistic version. I then hand felted it some to give it better stability and less stitch definition. I then dipped the leafy parts in kool-aid dye to make them look more lifelike. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out and will probably be selling them eventually.

I then simply attached it to a clear headband and called it a day! I thought it would look really odd but turns out it looks adorable and I'm almost gutsy enought to wear it out on a normal day!

More later, I've got the shoes and shirt to show off and I'm half way through the coat as well as slowly knitting the sweater :)