Thursday, May 20, 2010

Winston Churchill the Dalek

Sorry all for the impromptu hiatus. I was so sick of the computer after finals that I took almost a week off of using it at all. Luckily my disdain for it has worn off and I'm ready to start posting what I've been up to these past two weeks! Cause I've been doing ALOT of crafting and I've got tons to show.

No better time to start than now, right?

Pattern: EXTERMIKNIT! by Peniwiper
Yarn: Vanna's Choice and Lionbrand Cotton from ze stash (triple stranded)
Needles: size 9s

Whovian craftters probably already know the pattern, it's kinda legendary. For those who don't know Daleks are the forever enemy of the Doctor. This is actually my second Dalek and it was my post semester project, started it on saturday after Matt's graduation on our way back home for the weekend. He's alot larger than my first dalek, Tegan and also alot heavier. I learned alot from making Tegan a year ago and put it to good work this time around, tons of mods!

As you can see he's quite large, also REALLY heavy, great for cuddling! As you can see he still needs something to stiffen his plunger arm, hopefully a zip tie will do the trick. While I was still working on the bobbles (OMG so many bobbles!) I had a thought that he'd make a great ironside from the current season episode Victory of the Daleks. Thus my next sewing project is a cargo belt pocket that will button on.

  • purl one stitch between bobble panels instead of two. I saw this mod on ravelry and it prevents the tiny head they get sometime
  • knit two, purl two at the 'shoulders'
  • duplicate stitches on the 'neck' so it looks more like grates
  • eliminate three stockinette rounds on the bottom between the decrease rounds (this creates a flatter bottom so it doesn't sit funky)

As much as I love them you can see the Doctor feels a little differently :/

And of course the scene which made all the fangirls squee:

"Would you care for some TEEEAAAA?!"

♥ Freckled Crafter


  1. This is so FAB I can't contain myself! Wouldn't it e great to make one that opened and the slimy little creature that is inside the dalek was inside? Beyond my skills, though! *Love!*

    xo Erin

  2. love your blog and your dalek!
    i've done crocheted versions but only single colour so you are very inspiring to me x

  3. That's so awesome! I really need to make one for my husband one of these days :)
