Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Inspirations: Craft Rooms

Happy Friday everyone! Memorial day weekend, heading home for a few days and enjoying the nice weather we've been having are my weekend plans.

This week I've been trying to organize my craft supplies. Living in a small apartment I don't have a craft room, everything is stored under my bed or the foot locker I use as my sewing bench. One day I want to have a lovely little craft room with green walls and all the pretty yarn and fabric displayed. I'd also love to have a space to cut my fabric since the carpet floor is really my only option right now.

So I thought I'd bring a little wishful inspiration, a bunch of lovely craft spaces I found on the internet. All the sources are below the photos and you should really check them out, some of them are really nice blogs I'll be adding to my reading list.

Via Tara

Via Everyday Crafty Goodness

That last one is really what my space looks like when I'm in my crafting mojo. Maybe I'll take a picture to share soon.

TGIF everyone!
♥ Freckled Crafter


  1. ...drool... !!!! Me too, me too.

  2. Lol. The last one is what mine looks like too.
    I hope you get your craft room some day!
